Classic GM Videos is a Garry's Mod ARG channel with 24.8k subscribers and 1.95 million views.
Channel Description[]
The channel's description reads, "Archive my classic gmod video [sic]".
Channel Banner[]
ARG Details[]
Classic GM Videos's ARG concept is relatively similar to gmod9fan's. An abyssal entity inhabits Classic GM Videos' game ever since its discovery in gm_graveyard. The entity seemingly made its first appearance in "gm_graveyard creepy secret room tutorial", when the player discovers the secret room and proceeds to walk down a white hallway. The entity appears to have been unleashed upon the room's discovery.
The entity is capable of corrupting the game and inducing heavy glitches and distortions when recording.
Classic GM Videos is visibly scared of the entity. Whenever he's playing Garry's Mod, he's often shown nervously looking around and sticking to walls, in fear of the entity possibly being present behind him. However, he's notably not as scared when playing Half-Life 2, meaning the entity couldn't have made it into a different game.
gmans day out[]
"gmans day out" is the first video on the Classic GM Videos channel, being released on August 19th, 2019.
"original description: gman on another adventure and to the store what will he buy one of my first animations. really embarrassing."
This video is essentially a normal G-Mod skit you'd see back in the 2000s/2010s. The video shows G-Man leave the vehicle building on Construct, where he heads to Dr. Kleiner's store. The camera switches to G-Man several time, and in the background a black figure is seen in the vehicle building. The first time, the figure is shown in the doorway of the vehicle building. The figure appears to have an effect on the audio of the video, distorting it. The second time, the doorway of the building is sealed off by a prop, with the black figure now in the window of the building. The third time the vehicle building is shown, the figure is now gone. At the end, a black screen is shown, with the sound of a ragdoll being dragged heard.
zombie killer 2[]
"zombie killer 2" is the second video on the Classic GM Videos channel, being released on August 26th, 2019.
original description: zombie killer 2 zombie killer returns this time with zombie car
Second zombie killer video, first one had a broken video file"
This video starts with a Windows Movie Maker title card, saying 'zombie killer 2, zombie card' in red text. The video shows Classic GM Videos driving a modified version of the Scout Car from Half-Life 2, with an added spinning wheel using the sawblade prop, the same used by Father Grigori's traps in Ravenholm. The video has "Famous Last Words" by My Chemical Romance playing in the background, with CGV driving through a crowd of Headcrab zombies, killing them. Something possibly strange about the video is that nearly halfway through, the zombies all begin wandering towards the vehicle building, the same area where the black figure had been seen in "gmans day out".
Misc. Recording 1[]
"Misc. Recording 1" is the third video on the Classic GM Videos channel, being released on August 27th, 2019.
"original description: n/a never uploaded recorded footage that I never uploaded"
This video is essentially just a recording of CGV playing in GMod singleplayer, he spawns in several NPCs, kills them, etc. Things become strange when CGV suddenly pauses the game and apparently leaves his computer. The game stays paused for a while, until the video and audio glitches. After the distortion ends, the leg of one of the zombies on the ground has moved, and the dark figure is now in the side door way of the garage to the dark room. The game remains paused until CGV likely returns to his computer, unpausing and seemingly not noticing the figure. CGV resumes messing around, spawning NPCs and killing them, either not noticing or trying to ignore the dark figure. The video ends abruptly while CGV is in the spawnmenu.
gman metal band[]
"gman metal band" is Classic GM Videos' seventh video. It was uploaded on November 14, 2019.
original description: gman joins a metal band. uploaded for scizzy
a video made by scizzy back in the day that i uploaded for them because they didn't have an account of their own. reuploading it again here since it was on my channel before and would be lost if i didn't, hope he doesn't mind."
A video of Half-Life 2 characters Grigori (drummer, uses sawblades as cymbals) and the G-Man (guitarist using an axe in place of a guitar) playing a slightly distorted version of the song Attero Dominatus by Sabaton. Lightning and fire appear and the two can be seen using the instruments and headbanging in sync with the song's audio and vocals.
After the line "The Reich has fallen", the song becomes more distorted. The video then cuts to black and the credits start rolling in, and the distortion goes away. Here, the full name of the person whom Classic GM Videos uploaded on behalf of is revealed SciZzyMeister0. After the credits disappear, the song continues to play for another 5 seconds before the video ends.
kleiners challenge part 1[]
"kleiners challenge part 1" is Classic GM Videos' eighth video. It was uploaded on December 18, 2019.
original description: kleiner interrupts gman's day and proposes a challenge. it seems simple at first but gman doesnt know the price of a wrong move here it finally is. the one a lot of you wanted to see. this was the first video where i actually buckled down and tried my hardest to make something good and (almost) moved out of my movie maker comfort zone and learned new skills. im still proud of it looking back today even if it is rough and i am so glad that i didnt lose it. hopefully i can find part 2 as well.
had some weird issues trying to upload this"
The video starts with G-Man sitting on a bench. Dr. Kleiner peaks out a building and spots G-Man. Kleiner approaches G-Man and challenges him to a game of tic-tac-toe. G-Man loses and Kleiner dramatically pinches G-Man's forehead as a victory.
"zombiekiller" is Classic GM Videos' ninth video and serves as the preceder to "zombie killer 2". It was uploaded on January 5, 2020.
original description: the zombie killer protects gm construct....
i already told you that this video is broken, so see it for yourself. please stop nagging me about it. i dont understand your obsession."
As stated, the video is corrupted and jumbled-up footage of Classic GM Videos killing zombies in Construct.
kleiners challenge 2 trailer[]
breen gets pranked[]
bob and bill episode 1 morning routine[]
how to make a lift in gmod 9[]
bob and bill episode 2: lunch[]
bob and bill minis 1: police (episode 1b)[]
half life 2 creepy nova prospect easter egg UPDATE[]
half life 2 cool sad area[]
hl2 2006-09-20[]
gman uses the computer[]
bob and bill episode 3: on the run[]
gm dancefloor showcase[]
bob and bill minis 2: breen's recovery (episode 3b)[]
gman cant sleep (halloween special)[]
half life 2 new secret enemy found and flying tutorial[]
half life 2 ragdoll dance bug[]
creepy half life 2 glitch[]
gmans other day out[]
moving day again[]
half life 2 house of horrors map playthrough[]
combine infiltration[]
"infiltration.wmv description: infiltrating the combine base" - Video description
A Half-Life 2 citizen (Male 2) infiltrates a Combine base. He is seen peeking out of a wall looking at the entrance, which is guarded by 2 Combine Soldiers, and 2 CP officers with a Combine APC next to them. Male 2 then goes to the APC without being seen. He then sneaks up to the Metrocop and grabs him.
Unaware of what is happening, his colleague is killed by Male 2, who steals his uniform off-screen before reappearing disguised as one. He then mocks the officer, but gets no response at all. The Combine Soldiers then let him in, without any knowledge that he is plotting to blow up the base. Male 2 then enters the base and plants a bomb on a cylindrical object, presumably a fuel tank, before running away. He then removes his disguise and detonates the bomb, destroying the base and killing all of its occupants. The video ends as he turns the knob of a radio.
half life 2 NEW creepy easter egg in ravenholm[]
combine vs rebels vs antlions vs zombies[]
bob and bill minis 3: on guard (episode 3c)[]
combine dance party[]