BadwaterVideos2009's avatar
BadwaterVideos2009 is a popular ARG creator with 56k subscribers and over 1 million views altogether.
Channel Description
I make GMOD videos.
Badwater is my favorite map.
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ARG Details
BadwaterVideos2009 was likely inspired by gunslingerpro2009 due to the similarity of the content. BadwaterVideos2009 forces sentient Team Fortress 2 characters to act in various scenes, which he records, solely for entertainment. His videos form a story separated by multiple arcs.
TF2 sawmill gameplay
This was BadwaterVideos2009's first video and is the first episode of the broken TV arc. The description of the video says "hl2 2009-08-15 13-05-12-07.avi", indicating that the ARG takes place in 2009. It appears to be a minute-long poor quality gameplay of the TF2 map "sawmill".
A RED scout runs out of the spawn, jumps onto a roof and runs along the wooden bridge, ending up in the sawmill. He moves upstairs and leaps onto another roof, to see a player with the Kleiner playermodel creating a scene with BLU heavy in it. There is a minigun to heavy's right and a door without a wall to his left, as well as a small wooden cabinet next to the couch. The scout witnesses the player spawning a TV, then slowly turning around to see him. Scout runs away, leaps into the water then runs through a shack, but is caught by the player's physgun. After he is grabbed, he screams as he's lifted up. He loses all his ammo on the HUD, however his HP is unaffected. The video ends with a long black outro without audio.
The Broken TV
A sequel to TF2 sawmill gameplay.
In the first several seconds, the video zooms in to the same BLU heavy from before. He is frowning and staring at the apparently broken TV, while saying "Ooh, it is sad day" and "Very bad!" afterwards. He then hears a knock on a door beside him (without a wall). The RED scout appears and jumps over, pointing to the TV and chuckling. BLU heavy shakes his head no and says "Is not possible!". RED scout then frowns, pulls out a wrench and slams it against the TV repeatedly. The TV sparks and appears to work now. Both scout and heavy laugh while sitting on the couch. The laughing fades out as the video ends.
hl2 2009-08-15 18-17-36-64.avi
Unlike other videos of BadwaterVideos2009, this one does not have a description and the title is just a filename of a gameplay. In the ARG, it was recorded the same day as TF2 sawmill gameplay.
The video starts from scout's point of view. He is frozen (via the physgun) in the beginning, but somehow manages to look around, then detaches his hand off the couch and inspects it, regaining free will. He then quickly looks to heavy, who has a scared expression and is slowly nodding "no". After a while, he suddenly gets removed by the player's toolgun. The player also removes the TV and the table. Scout's vision severely distorts as the player walks towards him. The video ends shortly after.
Melonman to the Rescue
This video takes place in the badwater basin this time and is the beginning of the melonman arc.
A RED engineer is shown hiding behind a rock, while BLU demoman, scout, medic and soldier walk towards him. Behind them, the player is featured on the screen for a short time, walking to the opposite direction. The engineer says "Ah, good night, Irene!", then he turns his head around and displays a shocked expression as melonman is seen flying towards him. The melonman was a RED demoman, who, instead of a head, had a melon with a large eye painted on it. He then points to the BLU team and summons a melon. He throws the melon at them, which then explodes, killing them and flinging their corpses. Engineer then thanks melonman by shaking his hand. Melonman then says "Bet they didn't see that one coming.". After a long while they stop shaking their hands and the player can be seen walking behind them. The video cuts off to a black screen for the last few seconds.
Melonman vs The Teethineer
The same RED engineer from before can be seen sitting on a metal chair next to a round wooden table. The engineer says "Job well done!" (presumably referring to the last video) and slowly reaches for the cup. He then hears a distorted voice. The RED engineer turns his head, seeing a BLU engineer disposed of facial features, with a large mouth on his entire face. He is referred to as the "teethineer". The teethineer laughs with his hands raised. In the next frame melonman can be seen sleeping on a chair with three melons around it. He then babbles incomprehensibly and snores, but wakes up after the engineer screams out for help. Melonman looks out his window to sees teethineer drinking from engineer's kettle, then eating it whole. The melonman says "Bloody hell." and thinks. He then flies out of the building. Teethineer notices the melonman and sees the engineer pointing to explosive barrels and gas cans. Melonman says "Ah, crap!" and the teethineer laughs. Melonman thinks for about two seconds before punching teethineer in the face. The teethineer falls to the ground and says "Aw, hell". The melonman now says "Ooh, I'm gonna beat you so hard you'll have a twitch!". He turns his head to the left to see the partly-visible player, hesitating to beat teethineer up. He is threatened with removal, so he has no choice and continues acting. He violently beats teethineer up. The screen heavily distorts and turns black as the video ends.
Essentially a continuation of the broken TV arc. Similarly to TF2 sawmill gameplay, the video's description is a filename, hl2 2009-08-27 16-23-53-15.avi - it takes place during 8th October, 12 days after the series of TF2 sawmill gameplay and hl2 2009-08-15 18-17-36-64.avi.
As the video starts, scout wakes up on a blue bench in a different map. He immediately sees an unconscious or dead BLU sniper laying next to a pile of junk. He looks around and sees a radio on the bench he woke up on. He moves over to the radio and turns it over with his left hand. The radio says the following numbers: "89798532778583843272736869". These numbers, if put into an ASCII decoder, directly translate to "YOU MUST HIDE"[1], indicating that someone (presumably BadwaterVideos2009 himself) is coming. He stands up and walks over to the sniper, checking on him. He then turns over to a mysterious door as the sniper wouldn't wake up. He walks over to it and checks its other side, then slowly opens them, revealing a blank white void inside. Before scout enters the white void, the radio says "828578", which means "RUN" when decoded in the same way as before[2]. Scout enters the void and after a while the video distorts.
Dr. Metalhead Rises
This video now takes place in the metalworks map.
The teethineer reappears and collects a dead BLU soldier off the ground, putting him into a wheelbarrow. He moves into an unidentified base where the soldier is put into a machine, being impaled through the chest with a thick hook. A BLU medic with a Hunter Chopper mine prop on his head is shown. The medic, referred to as Dr. Metalhead, says something to the teethineer with a robotic voice (likely a command). The teethineer proceeds to pull a lever and the machine sparks before activating. Dr. Metalhead laughs and says "Prepare for your examination" as the soldier is slowly lowered into a tube filled with unknown orange liquid. A louder laugh is now heard as the screen fades out into black.
Melonman Update and Q&A announcement
This video is a special and is BadwaterVideos2009's celebration of 10k subscribers. The video is entirely composed of separated text. It says the following:
"Hello, BadwaterVideos here. Sadly due to some technical difficulties, the next episode of Melonman has been cancelled. I know this is disappointing for you all, as well as for myself. But to make up for this, I will be doing a Questions and Answers. Comment any questions you have, and I will try to answer as many of them as I can. Melonman's adventures will continue soon. I am sorry again for this delay. Thank you for over 10000 subscribers".
Questions and Answers
A special video which is the continuation of the "Melonman Update and Q&A announcement" video. The video starts with separated text saying "Hello, BadwaterVideos here. The response to the Q&A has been overwhelming. Thank you for your many questions. I cannot answer every question that was asked, but I attempted to answer the oens that a lot of people seemed to ask. Let us begin."
Question: What is your favorite TF2 class?
Answer: I like playing spy. He is fun.
Question: Why is Badwater your favorite map?
Answer: I enjoy payload maps, and I think Badwater is well designed. My only complaint is the area around the third point is kind of bad for attackers.
Question: Are there any other maps that you like?
Answer: I'm enjoying the new KOTH maps they added recently. Nucleus has been fun.
Question: What are some other games you like?
Answer: I enjoyed Portal and Left 4 Dead, I am excited for Left 4 Dead 2 coming out two months from now. I do not play many other games.
Question: Why did you start making videos? Who inspired you?
Answer: I was mainly inspired by The GMOD Idiot Box. I thought it was funny and I wanted to make my own GMOD videos.
Question: What do you use to edit your videos?
Answer: I use Sony Vegas Pro 9.
Question: How do you make your videos?
Answer: There's a lot to talk about. If people seem interested, I may make a video showing what I do to make my videos.
Question: Have you heard of gunslingerpro2009?
Answer: A lot of people were asking me about them, but I don't know who that is.
Question: What is Melonman's backstory?
Answer: This will be answered sometime in the future.
Question: What are the Teethineer's abilities?
Answer: The Teethineer is able to eat anything they please. However they are blind and use echolocation by clicking their teeth together.
Question: Who is Dr. Metalhead? What's their connection to the Teethineer?
Answer: Dr. Metalhead is an evil scientist who vows to defeat Melonman. The Teethineer is his creation and henchman.
Question: How did you create your characters?
Answer: I just thought them up. I wanted to make my own characters to use in my machinimas and to set me apart from others.
Question: Will there be a sequel to the Broken TV?
Answer: A lot of people seem to like that video. I'll try to come up with something for a sequel inbetween working on Melonman videos.
Question: How did you make the Teethineer move like that in Dr. Metalhead Rises?
Answer: There are tutorials on youtube on how to build something that lets you get walking ragdolls. You can easily find them if you search them up.
Question: What were the technical difficulties that cancelled the new Melonman video?
Answer: Some things just didn't work out, and I couldn't finish the video.
The video suddenly glitches out and a cybernetically modified BLU soldier is shown crawling around on the floor and leaving a blood trail. It distorts further and the BLU soldier is removed by the player. After that, the screen partly cuts to black with a leftover glitch and a text appears, saying "Answer: A failure". This may indicate that BadwaterVideos2009 disliked the BLU soldier's new design and cancelled the episode over it, then killed him as he was disappointed and angry. After that, the video returns to normal:
"Thank you all for your questions. I hope the answers satisfied your curiosity. Because of all the new subscribers, I will be sure to work extra hard on future videos. Melonman and friends will return soon in a new video. Thank you for 17000 subscribers". The video ends afterwards.
How I Make GMOD Machinimas Tutorial
This video is BadwaterVideos2009's only tutorial. In this video, two arcs (red scout's escape and melonman) merge. In the beginning a text can be seen saying "Hello, BadwaterVideos here". BadwaterVideos2009 then says "Due to passing 20000 subscribers, I thought it would be nice to show you all how I make my videos. And also because a lot of you are asking for a tutorial."
The tutorial now begins: "First you must load into a map, we will use Badwater for obvious reasons". BadwaterVideos2009 spawns and noclips outside, then selecting a building to use in the tutorial. "We will use this as our filming location. It is time to decorate." Props are added off-screen before BadwaterVideos2009 says "Try to add as many props to your scene as possible. But it seems we are missing our characters. Let us go get them shall we?" BadwaterVideos2009 turns to a door similar to the one shown in Passage. He enters right after the door opens and says "I left them in Offblast". Upon exiting, melonman can be seen laying on the ground and the RED engineer sitting on a chair. In this scene, it's now revealed that he welds ragdolls to the ground so they don't escape ("It is good to weld them to the ground so they do not wander off after filming"). He then returns to the room with the teethineer, Dr. Metalhead, melonman and the RED engineer. Teethineer and Dr. Metalhead are standing while melonman and engineer are sitting. "Everyone is here. It is time to learn how to animate." The screen fades out and the player appears in gm_construct along with the RED scout. He says "Our old friend scout can help us with that.", snarkily referencing the red scout's disobedience and multiple attempts to escape. He then says "Wave to the fans." as he forces scout to raise his hand and wave. "But it would seem there is an unsightly bright beam covering the actor. You can disable this in the options menu.". The option menu appears as BadwaterVideos2009 goes to Hiding and disables the "Draw Physgun Beams" option. He returns and says "Now there is not an annoying beam in the way. But there is still the HUD in the corner. To disable this, you are going to have to use console commands. This is how you enable the console." The player presses ESC, goes to Options, clicks Advanced, enables the developer console, clicks OK then Apply and returns to the menu. "Press the ~ key, and type cl_drawhud 0 in the console". After performing the said action, he returns and says "Now we can see Scout without any annoying obstructions." and forces him to wave once more, also saying "Many people asked how I got the Teethineer to move like that in one of my videos. Let me show you how to get that effect." When making the ragdoll walker, he describes each move: "First, no collide these props. Now configure it like so. Weld these two together. Second, we will add some wheels. Make sure they are saw blades. Weld the wheels together. But it seems to just fall right over. So make sure to use keep upright on the canister. Now we will put our actor on it." The player drags the RED engineer to the scene and returns to the tutorial. "No collide the actor and all of the props. Weld him to the canister. But his legs are not moving. Move his legs apart." BadwaterVideos2009 accidentally drags one of the wheels and it glitches out. He repeats the process, successfully this time. "Move his legs apart. Now use the axis tool like this." He welds the legs to the saw wheels via the Axis tool. "Now he can run to his heart's content. But we do not want him running around aimlessly. Let us add some thrusters for control. Add a thruster for moving and one for turning.". After adding thrusters, he now says "Look at him go. Use the colour tool to make the device invisible.". He now makes the contraption invisible. "And now we can pose him so it is more relevent to the scene. Looks like Melonman has to come help him again. I hope this at least gives you a jumping off point to your own machinimas. Thank you for watching." The screen turns black and the video ends.
The Teethineer Interrupts Tea Time
After the events of the tutorial, melonman and engineer can be seen sitting by a table in the same room as before. Melonman says "Cheers, man". The next frame is teethineer watching melonman and engineer while holding a blue grenade from the grenade launcher. He laughs, then throws it into the room next to melonman's leg. Melonman quickly says "What?" and kicks the grenade back to teethineer. It explodes and sends teethineer to a barricade, breaking it. He twitches and the next scene shows Dr. Metalhead's camera watching the teethineer. Dr. Metalhead walks along his base, then types something into a device. A large amount of smoke appears in a machine next to the device and after a few seconds teethineer is teleported. The device says "Teleport Complete" and beeps. Teethineer turns his head around and exits the chamber. Dr. Metalhead says "This is unacceptable!" referring to teethineer's miserable failure. After that, the teethineer is ordered to "get them", which he responds to with "Heck yes.". Dr. Metalhead tells him to go. Teethineer moves outside the base while laughing and the screen fades into black.
Sanctuary is the continuation of RED scout's escape arc. It takes place during 22nd September. It follows the events of the tutorial.
Scout stands up and looks around, inspecting the place. He finds a door leading to the offblast map. He encounters a RED engineer locked in his position. He grabs his shoulder and slightly moves him, however he is still "frozen". Scout is then grabbed by the player and lifted up by the physgun. He screams and is rapidly thrown down afterwards. This rendered him unconscious. He wakes up in the construct map during the events of the GMod machinima tutorial. When the player is distracted building the ragdoll walker, scout manages to break out of his control once more and takes the chance to escape. He turns around and stiffly walks to the dark room, somewhat speeding up over time and ending up in the entrance of the dark room. The player realizes this after a long while and goes after him, however he doesn't do anything to the scout. He stands there looking at him for a while before running away. This indicates that BadwaterVideos2009 is scared of the dark room. Scout travels along the dark room and after a while the video ends.
Pyder on the Move
The video begins in teethineer's new base in the badwater basin. He is seen building a contraption composed of a sticky bomb launcher, a construction PDA and a destruction PDA. Besides the contraption, there's also a wrench on the table and various junk next to it. Teethineer turns around and makes a click sound with his teeth. He then looks up and sees a spider-like creature composed of the bodies of a BLU pyro and a RED pyro. It knocks over the teethineer, who then grunts. It proceeds to emit a muffled laugh. After that, the teethineer says "I'm gonna lay you out!". The "pyder" pounces on the teethineer but fails as he dodges it. The teethineer runs over to his contraption and just when he's about to grab it, the pyder shoots a web at his hand and pulls him back while yelling. The teethineer bites the web off and successfully grabs his contraption, saying "Start praying boy!". He fires a grenade that seemingly didn't explode, but the pyder dodges it by sticking to the ceiling. The teethineer says "Come here, sissy!" as the pyder mumbles incomprehensibly. The teethineer now says "How'd that plan turn out for ya, dummy?" as the pyder crawls out of the base. The grenade from before now ticks and the teethineer says "Darn." as it's about to explode. The base now blows up and a black screen fades in, with some odd distortions.
This short video takes place during 23rd September, considering a filename featuring the date can be found in the description.
The scout wakes up in the dark room with a flashlight lying beside him. He grabs the flashlight and begins to investigate the room. The room was full of small props and other junk. The scout then finds (assumingly BLU) heavy's minigun and among all the trash. He freezes in fear and sadness, realizing that his friend is permanently gone. After a while, he grabs a wrench laying on the floor and the screen begins to slowly glitch shortly after.
It's been theorized that the wrench either plays some significant part of the story or is glitching only because it isn't a part of the scout's arsenal in Team Fortress 2. However, after the next video was released, the wrench was actually used by the scout
The video takes place 6 days after the incidents of Discarded.
The scout has been residing in the dark room for nearly a week. He has seemingly decluttered a part of the room and made it into a workshop. He is seen holding a decoder and pulling one of its components out of it, then reaching for an odd object similar to a revolver with a missing clip. He moves it closer to the lamp on the desk. It's now clear that it's an unfinished toolgun, which he was attempting to make to get rid of the player. Meanwhile, BadwaterVideos2009 strangely outcomes his fear of the dark room, and enters it. He has seemingly lost patience. He surprises the scout and knocks him out. The scout wakes up attached to a chair. BadwaterVideos2009 then walks out of the darkness, facing towards the scout. He grabs his toolgun and uses the finger posing tool on scout. Scout's index finger is forcefully raised, then snapped as he screams in pain. The player then walks back into the darkness for a short while and comes back holding a saw with the physgun. The video starts glitching. The player then makes the saw spin and walks towards the scout, violently slashing him apart. The scout's distorted and cut screams are heard. After a while, BadwaterVideos2009 is seen surrounded by the darkness, completely motionless, facing towards the viewer after a while.
Melonman's Final Straw
The scout is seen alive in the video and yet again forced to act.
The screen zooms into the RED scout sitting on a bench. The teethineer appears and assaults the scout off-screen. The scene switches to a room with the RED engineer and melonman. The engineer is sitting and reading a newspaper on the table, while the melonman is sleeping on an armchair with two melons beside him. Scout's screaming is then heard, distracting the engineer and waking up the melonman. Both run outside to see the teethineer attacking the scout, who is calling for help. Melonman says "If you are hunting trouble, lads, you found it" (likely meant to be "lad", not "lads"), then unnecessarily speaks with the teethineer. They both seem to say how one's going to beat the other. The engineer and the scout watch the pointless conversation. Scout then looks behind him, seeing a pipe. He grabs the pipe and proceeds to hit the teethineer in the head with it, knocking him out. Time skips several hours forward, as the teethineer finally wakes up and says "Darn". He calls Dr. Metalhead, who is clearly angered. He scolds the teethineer and appears outside shortly after. The camera zooms out, revealing an army of Dr. Metalhead's drones. The video ends shortly after.
Arc Identification
Ordinal | Video | Arc |
1 | TF2 sawmill gameplay | "Broken TV" arc |
2 | The Broken TV | |
3 | hl2 2009-08-15 18-17-36-64.avi | |
4 | Melonman to the Rescue | "Melonman" arc |
5 | Melonman vs The Teethineer | |
6 | Passage | "RED scout's escape" arc |
7 | Dr. Metalhead Rises | "Melonman" arc |
8 | Melonman Update and Q&A announcement | None |
9 | Questions and Answers | |
10 | How I Make GMOD Machinimas Tutorial | "RED scout's escape" + "Melonman" arc |
11 | The Teethineer Interrupts Tea Time | "Melonman" arc |
12 | Sanctuary | "RED scout's escape" arc |
13 | Pyder on the Move | "Melonman" arc |
14 | Discarded | "RED scout's escape" arc |
15 | Subjugate | |
16 | Melonman's Final Straw | "RED scout's escape" + "Melonman" arc |
- BadwaterVideos2009 created his account on 13th May 2009 but never used it since 14th May 2021. [3]
- BadwaterVideos2009's Q&A is still a part of the ARG - judging by that BadwaterVideos2009 said he's excited for Left 4 Dead 2 coming out in 2 months, which has been out for 12 years. Plus, he says he enjoys the new TF2 map Nucleus, which has been available since 13th August 2009.
- Richter Overtime (a popular Youtuber who researches ARGs) managed to contact BadwaterVideos2009. It's been confirmed that BadwaterVideos2009 isn't related to gunslingerpro2009 in any way apart from being inspired by him.[citation needed]
- BadwaterVideos2009 is Canadian. [3]